파비의 매일매일 공부기록

2022.01.21 수업 내용 본문


2022.01.21 수업 내용

fabichoi 2022. 1. 21. 23:00

인터넷 연결이 좀 별로여서 거의 10번은 끊긴 듯;; 그래도 수업을 착실하게 잘 진행해줘서 굿굿

  1. Actually, I found nothing interesting in this article. I knew about everything the article mentioned.

  2. Always. I need to give feedbacks to my co-workers, because we work together with the same source code. When I'm very busy, I want to skip giving feedbacks that's why I only check minor/slight details of the codes.

  3. It's enthusiasm/ My biggest strength at work is my enthusiasm. I don't want to see myself doing nothing/ I don't want to procrastinate or be lazy. If I have extra time in my workplace, I always find ways which can be improved. It doesn't work every time but the important thing is I learn something from it.

  4. I'm doing that right now/ I'm currently working on improving myself at work. When I just got employed in this company, there wasn't any trainings for new comer/ newbies. So I decided to write a training curriculum and spread it to our department. I'm assigned to check/help out new comers and the document I wrote/created helps a lot.


'English > 엔구(화상영어)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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