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2022.04.08 수업 내용 본문


2022.04.08 수업 내용

fabichoi 2022. 4. 8. 23:00
  • rags to riches, bread and butter, easy money, made of money, feel the pinch
  • rags to riches, made of money, felt the pinch, rags to riches, bread and butter, made of money, easy money, felt the pinch, bread and butter
  • If you want to be from rags to riches, you shouldn't follow easy money. It's very tough to become a man who is made of money. I think the best way is keeping your bread and butter. If you don't, you could feel the pinch anytime.

'English > 엔구(화상영어)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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