Problem Solving/LeetCode

2023.02.21 Today's Challenge

fabichoi 2023. 2. 21. 23:45


Single Element in a Sorted Array - LeetCode

Can you solve this real interview question? Single Element in a Sorted Array - You are given a sorted array consisting of only integers where every element appears exactly twice, except for one element which appears exactly once. Return the single element

어제에 이은 바이너리 서치 문제

class Solution:
    def singleNonDuplicate(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        l, r = 0, len(nums) // 2
        ans = -1
        while l <= r:
            mid = (l+r) // 2
            idx = mid * 2
            if idx + 1 >= len(nums) or nums[idx] != nums[idx+1]:
                r = mid-1
                ans = nums[idx]
                l = mid + 1
        return ans