파비의 매일매일 공부기록

2022.01.15 수업 내용 본문


2022.01.15 수업 내용

fabichoi 2022. 1. 15. 23:00

카메룬 쌤과 함께 했음 ㅋㅋㅋ 대부분의 튜터는 필리피노라서 판데믹 상황에 대해 들은게 많은데,
카메룬의 상황은 어떤지 궁금해서 좀 물어봤음 ㅋㅋ

  1. It was 3,300 New Zealanders.
  2. A long deadline makes people more likely to postpone a task.
  3. The urgency is implied.

  1. I think it's a very reasonable result. I use an app for checking my tasks everyday. When I turn on the app, I always do tasks that I wrote down.
    Before I didn't use this app, I always did tasks that I wanted or liked. The app makes me a better person who do the tasks per day.
    Also, I have one task that I didn't finish. That makes my feel bad. But the task doesn't have any deadline. I think I should make a deadline for the task.

'English > 엔구(화상영어)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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